Do you really own a pink motel?
Read time: 4 minutes.

There’s no bigger adventure than starting your own business.
Of the many decisions I’ve made, creating The Pink Motel LLC seemed to be the perfect name for my presentation business. I was told, “Name your LLC anything you want, as you’ll have a DBA for your different businesses.” The Pink Motel LLC captured the essence of embracing uniqueness and living adventurous lives. After all, what bigger adventure exists than starting your own business? Developing effective presentations is the art of creating a portal to the audience’s imagination, and The Pink Motel is where it all started for me.
You can’t do that.
Do you really own a pink motel?
When people see the name, they always ask, “Do you really own a pink motel?” I laugh and respond, “No. It was my favorite childhood book.” Maybe I should paint my shipping container house pink so I can say to do own a pink motel and list it on Airbnb.

Be sure you’re sending the right message.

Get some fresh eyes on your presentation.

Use stories to illustrate your message.
You may need to paint your motel.
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